Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What paperwork is required before practice starts? 

 A:   1)  Physical performed on WOJFC physical form PERFORMED (not signed by doctor only) in the current CALENDAR year      WOJFC Physical Form 

       2)  Copy of Birth Certificate for new players      

       3)  Watch Lindsay Law video and sign form

Q: When does the Fairborn Wee Hawk ("FWH") season begin and what is the duration? 

A: The FWH/WOJFC football season starts July 14, 2025. Games begin in August and run through mid-October (1 pre-season and 8 regular season games). The tournament begins the following weekend and runs through the first week of November. You can check the calendar on this site as well as the WOJFC site for updated games schedules and times.

Q: When are sign-ups for FWH and how do I sign up? 

A: Typically, registration will open mid-January and stay open until mid-June. Players and cheerleaders may sign up online at  Additionally, we will have a couple in-person sign ups in May.

Q: Does my child need a physical? 

A: Yes, each child must have a current physical (performed during the same playing year) and be on the official WOJFC form. You can get this from No child will be allowed to practice without current physical.

Q: What is Bantam and is it full contact? 

A: Bantam is a combined tackle football team of 1st and 2nd grade players. It is full contact football; FWH from Bantam (1st and 2nd) thru 6th grade is full contact tackle football. 

 Q:  What should my football player wear on first day of practice? 

 A:  Football players should wear t-shirt, shorts, protective cup, cleats, and helmet on the first day.  Coaches will advise what equipment to add each day of acclimation.   Players will meet on the football field the first night and then be dismissed to individual team practices. 

Q: What is the age requirement to be eligible to play football for FWH? 

A: The age requirements for FWH is 1st through 6th grades for both football and cheerleading.  There is an age restriction by grade as of August 1 for football, which is in the WOJFC Bylaws. They must also meet the residency rules set forth by the WOJFC and FWH. One Year Maximum: Irrespective of the above, no player under any circumstance will be permitted to play a second year of football for either 5th or 6th grade. 

 Q: Does the player have to live in Fairborn to play football for FWH? 

A: The WOJFC residency rule regarding player eligibility for FWH requires players to reside within the school districts of Fairborn or Yellow Springs. Property addresses vary within the district (e.g. some residents have a Dayton mailing address); however, the address must be within the boundaries of the one of our allowed school districts and the child must reside at the address listed. This address must also match the address listed on the child’s physical form. All children residing within the district boundaries are eligible to play whether or not the child attends the school district (e.g., the child attends a private school or is home schooled).  

 Q: What equipment will son or daughter need to play Wee Hawks football/cheerleading?

 A: The equipment needed for a player consists of the following two groups: 


 FWH provide:   Helmet, shoulder pads, chin strap, game jersey, game pants, one mouth guard, blue game socks, and pink game socks for October.   

 Not provided by FWH:   Cleats (no metal or screw in), practice pants, practice jersey, protective cup, and additional mouth guards as needed (mouth guards cannot be clear).   

 * Helmet and shoulder pads must be returned at the end of the season.   


 FWH provide:  Uniform skirt and shell, spanks, long sleeves, socks, poms, warm up pants, warm up shirt, blue game day bow and pink game day bow for October.   

 Not provided by FWH:   White cheer shoes.    Also, other items may be required by squad (Opening Ceremony t-shirt, pink socks for October, etc)

 Q: Where are practices and games held? 

A: Practices are held at Fairborn Cement Park, 701 Yellow Springs-Fairfield Road, Fairborn, Ohio 54324. Home games are held at Fairborn Middle School, 900 E Dayton Yellow Springs Rd, Fairborn, OH 45324. We do travel to other WOJFC locations

 Q: How much is game admission for spectators? 

A: Admission fees are cash only. The cost of admission to tackle football games is set by the WOJFC. This current fee is $5.00 per spectator; ages 5 and under are free. Admission is free for participating players and cheerleaders. Please note that tournament games may have a different admission fee from regular season games. 

 Q: When should the players be at the field for a game?  

A: This will be determined by each team's coaching staff. Coaches typically expect players ready and on the warm-up fields approximately 1 hour before games. All players must be checked in with their team by field officials prior to the game—if your player misses this check in, they will not be eligible to play that day. Teams must be at their respective end zones 10 minutes prior to game start so that pre-game announcements and team introductions can begin as soon as possible to ensure the game will start on time. 

 Q: As a parent of a player, how should I expect to help the Wee Hawks? 

A: Parent responsibilities include seeing that your player has all necessary equipment and transportation to/from all practices and games, as well as volunteering throughout the season. The Fairborn Wee Hawk football organization is a not-for-profit organization driven by volunteers. Parents will be expected to volunteer for chain-gang duty for atleast one home game.  Parents are also encouraged to volunteer in other areas to help our park run smoothly.

Q: How much playing time will my child get in the games? 

A: The WOJFC by-laws require each player to play a minimum of 5 plays per half. All FWH coaches will strive to do their best to play children as much as possible. Many scenarios determine playing time. Not all games and players are the same therefore, play time is not guaranteed after the minimum plays. If you have a concern, please schedule a meeting with your coach to discuss. 

 Q: Why do all players have to weigh-in? 

A: WOJFC requires all players to weigh-in to determine ball-carrying eligibility. This verifies all weights and that there are not issues during season and questions of ball eligibility. It also ensures no coach will hinder the possibility of a child handling the ball by purposely excluding him from weigh-ins. 

 Q: What are the weight cut offs to carry the football? 

A:   Bantam – 75 lbs       3rd Grade – 90 lbs       4th Grade – 100 lbs       5th Grade – 115 lbs       6th Grade – 130 lbs   

 NOTE: There are no hardship weigh ins. If a player misses with an excuse, then they will be automatically "pink stickered" (ineligible to carry ball). If they miss with no note, they will not be allowed to participate in the current season. If they are over the weight limit at the time of weigh ins, they will receive a pink sticker. 

Q: What if my child is "pink stickered"? 

A: If your child has a pink sticker on their helmet, it means they did not make the weight eligibility set forth by the WOJFC to be ball eligible. Non-ball eligible players cannot play in a ball eligible position or carry the ball (e.g., quarterback, wide receiver, or running back). The only exception is on extra points. A pink-sticker player may catch a pass in the end zone. If pass is caught outside the end zone, play will be blown dead.  

 Q: What are the player practice requirements prior to beginning full contact practice?  

A: In order for a player to start full contact, they must have 3 days of acclimation (can wear helmet, but no pads) then 2 days of full pads but no contact. This applies to all tackle players and does not matter when a player starts. We encourage players to not miss the first week of practice or they will be behind other players for the acclimation period. 

 Q: What is the WOJFC EXTREME WEATHER Practice Policy? 

A: The daily heat index is checked at 5:30 pm by our conference rep using same device each day.  We understand some phones may vary, so the official reading comes from the same device each day. Any restrictions are immediately relayed to Head Coaches and Team Moms to inform squads.   Restrictions will also be posted on the FWH main Facebook page.

90-94 degrees:  "15/5" - consists of 15 minutes of practice followed by full 5 minute water break, repeated for the duration of practice.

95-99 degrees: 15/5 plus no shoulder pads or helmets 

100 & above degrees:  No practice

 Q: What is the practice schedule? How many days? How Long?

A:. Practice will be Monday-Friday from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm for the first four weeks.  Beginning the fifth week, practice will move to Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm.